
2023-02-09 14:05:43 字數 1712 閱讀 7328



old vinegar peanut

mother stock: shelled peanut

supplementary material: the greens, do the seasoning

fragrant: aromatic vinegar (zhenjiang), white sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce, shallot

manufacture method:

1. fries in oil ripely the shelled peanut;

2. cuts fragrant the silk, the greens cleaning cuts dryly ding, the shallot stage equipment;

3. takes household utensils to put in the aromatic vinegar, the white sugar, the sesame oil, the soy sauce, the shallot mixes evenly the furnishing juice to be ready to be used;

4. takes a horn the bowl, the greens silk, does ding to place something under a base fragrant, puts explodes the good shelled peanut, is pouring into adjusts the good juice to mix evenly then edible.




old vinegar peanut

mother stock: shelled peanut

supplementary material: the greens, do the seasoning

fragrant: aromatic vinegar (zhenjiang), white sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce, shallot

manufacture method:

1. fries in oil ripely the shelled peanut;

2. cuts fragrant the silk, the greens cleaning cuts dryly ding, the shallot stage equipment;

3. takes household utensils to put in the aromatic vinegar, the white sugar, the sesame oil, the soy sauce, the shallot mixes evenly the furnishing juice to be ready to be used;

4. takes a horn the bowl, the greens silk, does ding to place something under a base fragrant, puts explodes the good shelled peanut, is pouring into adjusts the good juice to mix evenly then edible.


材料是小粒花生,鎮江香醋,糖,少許香菜,適量鹽。鍋裡面放入油,油熱後調小火放入小粒花生,炸熟,然後把花生撈出瀝去油,裝盤晾涼。將香菜碎拌進花生裡。白糖 香醋 鹽調勻成汁,澆在花生上即可。老醋花生米 主料 花生米 薰幹 調料 醋 糖 鹽 白胡椒粉 香菜 做法 1.將花生米炸熟,涼涼。2.薰幹切成與花生...


主料 花生 調料 花生油,生抽,陳醋,白糖,白酒 1.花生米洗淨瀝乾 2.冷油下鍋,先小火,接著轉中火炒,聽到密集的噼瀝啪啦的聲,就趕緊關火 3.花生米瀝油後盛出,趁熱撒上一點點高度白酒4.迅速拌勻,這樣冷卻後花生米會依然保持酥脆的口感5.白糖 醋 生抽用小火加熱至糖化,使其涼至常溫,然後淋在涼卻花...


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