
2023-02-05 13:05:21 字數 1188 閱讀 6282


my name is ###, aged 18, born in beijing. currently i am studing in a secondary specialized school with hobbies as country music, rock, jazz and folk music with local colour. i like movies very much, especially the works by hou xiaoxian, like the tragic city and dream of life.

his works are of reality and nature, with deep emotion but untruthfulness.


my name is ###,i am 18years old this year ,born in beijin.at present i am a technic secondary school student.i like country music rock jazz and some folk music with local traits.

i also like movie ,espatially like hou xiaoxians works ,for instance,<>and <>.his works give me a strong feeling of truth ,no overdoing, also no hypocritical with full emotions.


my name is ###, i am 18 years old ,born in beijing.at present i am a technic secondary school student.i like country music rock jazz and some folk music with local traits.

i also like movie ,espatially like hou xiaoxians works ,for instance,<>and <>.his works give me a strong feeling of truth ,no overdoing, also no hypocritical with full emotions.


譯文引自 二十四史全譯 主編者 許嘉璐 安平秋等 出版機構 世紀出版集團 漢語大詞典出版社 劉邦經常閒暇時和韓信談論諸位將軍的才能高下,韓信對他們的評價各有不同,劉邦問道 像我能率領多少兵?韓信說 陛下不過能夠率領十萬人。劉邦說 你怎麼樣?韓信說 我越多越好。劉邦笑道 既然越多越好,為什麼還會被我抓...


copy日 如果那一天。bai 出會 du 沒有遇見你。zhi 苦 dao 我會是那樣的痛苦 悲 那樣的悲傷 是那樣的難受。淚 是這樣的熱淚盈眶。想 思 這樣的感受吧。不過 出會 如果沒有遇見你 也不會有這樣的開心 優 也不會這麼的溫柔。如果那天 沒有遇到你,我想就不會有 這麼痛苦,這麼悲傷,這麼難...


1。你聽過這複句話 什麼上去肯定要跌制下來嗎?哦,那隻bai升不降?2。雷聲du在前,閃電在後。zhi閃電過後,就是 大雨 之前。我dao的雨,土地乾涸。我是什麼?3。你能看見它,但是你不能觸控它。它可能會消失,但是從來沒有真正離開過你。它生長在這一天。它是什麼?4。哪個英語常見動詞後就變成自己的過...