
2021-03-25 10:39:08 字數 1357 閱讀 3812


1. this is the from-e of *** container, please reply me after your confirmation as soon as possible.

2. please send me the form-e'ssample list of *** container to me.

3. which container need to do as the form-e, please send me the form-e'ssample list as soon as possible.

4. this is the bill of lading of the *** container, please confirm it, and reply me as soon as possible.

5. whether these goods could be loaded? please reply me as soon as possible.


1.this is the form-e of container***, please let me know after confirm.

2.please send me the copy of form-e of container***.

3.please send me the copy of form-e of the container which needs form-e.

4.this is the b/l of container***, please confirm and reply asap.

5.these goods are ready to load? please reply asap.


1、 this is *** cabi*** form-e, after please confirm replies

2 、 the trouble as soon as possible issues *** cabi*** form-e type announcement i.

3、 which cabi*** has to make form-e, issues as soon as possible the fore-e type announcement i.

4、this is *** cabi*** bill of lading, please confirm, replies as soon as possible.

5、 these goods may install the cabi***? please as soon as possible reply.


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