
2021-03-09 10:16:47 字數 1237 閱讀 9954


if you're coffee,i am the tea with milk.



if you are the coffee, then i'll be the milk tea.

ps. we all call it milk tea, never heard of tea with milk.

if you are coffee then im tea with milk.

ps. we all say tea with milk or white tea, no one ever says milk tea.....so sun_of_beach is so wrong!!!!!!!!!

stop accusing other people ok ? wtf

回答者:arlee - 經理 五級 11-10 01:37

to dear arlee

r u the bird of l1? damn u mothxx fxxker, stop ur chinglish here, got it?! if u r in china, ok, i understand, bt if u r in overseas, then i only can say u r really a knucklehead..

nvr c anyone more stupid than u. ur english is lousy, dun show us ard here, ridiculous, it's a joke, u know?

to 樓主:

不想樓主被誤導, 提供一個**n的新聞, 裡面還有**, 這是權威答案.


if you are coffee then im tea with milk.

ps. we all say tea with milk or white tea, no one ever says milk tea.....so sun_of_beach is so wrong!!!!!!!!!

stop accusing other people ok ? wtf


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