
2023-02-26 23:15:22 字數 590 閱讀 5650


do you know how to go to police station?

you will not miss it.

along this road and then cross the highway.

he want to go to the science museum.

the bus station is at the opposite of the hosipital.

sorry, i am not sure .


do you know how to go to the police station?

you won't miss it.

walk along this way, and then go across the road.

he wants to go to the the science museum.

the bus station is across the road from the hospital..

sorry, i'm not sure.


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160多年前,世界上還沒有郵票。一個郵遞員來到英國一個小村莊。對不起。我沒有足夠的錢來支付它。裡面什麼都沒有。大約20年以後,世界上的第一張郵票從1840年開始被啟用。誰能幫我把以下幾個句子翻譯成英語的,謝謝了 1.what do you want to know?2.do you think i ...