
2022-11-10 14:31:22 字數 1351 閱讀 4639


1、mary said," i will go on a holiday tomorrow ''(改為間接引語)

——mary said she would go on aholiday the day after.

把 i 改為指代 mary 的代詞 she;把will go on 改為與mary said 時態一致的過去將來時wouldgo on;把tomorrow 改為 the day after(前一天)

2、「peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says. (改為間接引語)

——she asks peter whether he preferstea or coffee.

原直接引語是問句,需要把she says 改為she asks,再把引語中的 peter 變成間接賓語,然後用 whether引導賓語從句(直接賓語)

3、lily first met tom in new york.(請用 it 強調 in new york部分進行改寫)

——it was in new york that lily firstmet tom

套入強調句型「it is/was + 強調部分 + that + 其餘部分」,原句是過去時,用 was。

4、only then__ __ __ __(她告訴他的)aboutthe e-mail

——only then (did she tell him) about the e-mail.

只要 only 短語出現在句首,整個句子就需要用部分倒裝,即「only … + 助動詞 + 主語 + 動詞 + 其餘部分」


mary said she would go on a holiday the next day.

she asked whether peter prefer tea or coffee.

it was in new york where lily first met tom.

only then would she tell him.

only then



mary said she will go on a holiday tomorrow.

she asks peter he prefers tea or coffee.

it's in new york that lily first met tom.

would she tell him.

only then,才,後面應該接倒裝句



do the children like the ball?are these pens yours?don t put clothese here.when do they get up?按例句改寫英語句子 英語句子成分 5 在英文當中,有八大句子成分,分別是 主語 謂語 賓語 表語 定語 補語 ...


1 葛脩潤保護白鶴梁的建議終於得到了國家的支援.縮寫 葛脩潤的建議得到了支援 2 經過文物部門幾年的勘查發掘,氣勢非凡的秦始皇兵馬俑終於展示在世人面前 縮寫 兵馬俑展示在世人面前 3 陝西臨潼縣西楊村村民發現了秦始皇兵馬俑。改被字句 秦始皇兵馬俑被陝西臨潼縣西楊村村民發現了 4 王剛同學的性格對王老...


樓主來您好,很樂意為您解答自 這個問題bai 你直接把 改寫句子中的type 換成du carry correct listen to describe 你上面zhi那個單 詞有問dao題,可能你輸入錯誤 move try finish keep 就行了,其餘的不變 不懂追問,祝學習進步 原句的回答...