
2022-06-04 15:06:36 字數 1023 閱讀 3611


1.people speak english all over the world

english is spoken by people all over the world.

2.my parents don't like pop music

pop music isn't liked by my parents.

3.mike didn't break mr brown's window

mr brown's window wasn't broken by mike.

4.did peter give a concert at shanghai stadium yesterday?

was a concert given by peter at shanghai stadium yesterday?


english is spoken by people all over the world .

pop music isn't liked by my parents .

mr brown's window wasn't broken by mike .

was a concert given by peter at shanghai stadium yesterday ?


1english is spoken all over the world.

2pop music isn't liked by my parents.

3mr brown's window wasn't broken by mike.

4was a concert given by peter at shanghai stadium yesterday?


1.english are spoken by people all over the world.


就是主動語態和被動語態。英語說法就是 voice,可能更好理解一點。active voice,passive voice.主語是動作的執行者 active joe cleans the room every day.主語是動作的承受者 注意只有及物動詞vt.才有被動語態 the room is cl...


第二個best改為better 家裡孩子越少,他們的生活水平會越好。the 比較級 the 比較級 的固定句型,意為 越 就越 第一句中,比較級 and 比較級 意為 越來越 larger and larger意為 越來越大 more and more beautiful意為 越來越漂亮 以上二者是...


一 翻譯成漢語的主動句?將英語中的被動結構翻譯成漢語的主動結構時,往往可以分成以下幾種不同的情況。保留英語原句中的主語。將主語翻譯為賓語。在動作發出者不言自明或難以言明時,英語常用被動句。而漢語在這種情況下,往往需要新增 有人 大家 別人 人們 之類的泛稱主語。例如 將介詞短語的賓語譯成主語。如果英...