
2021-03-08 10:47:29 字數 1449 閱讀 4635


me against the world


you don't know me - ofenbach/brodie barclay

take me to the place i used to run

remember the house where i was born

baby you don't know me

baby you don't know

i'll show you all the stars i used to hide

no one never seemed to realize

but baby you don't know me

but baby you don't know

baby you don't know

baby you don't know

baby you don't know

baby you don't know

take me to the place i used to run

remember the house where i was born

baby you don't know me

baby you don't know

i'll show you all the stars i used to hide

no one never seemed to realize

but baby you don't know me

but baby you don't know

baby you don't know

baby you don't know

baby you don't know

baby you don't know

but baby you don't know

求助 ! 找一首英文歌 這首歌的高潮時new york。貌似在大優酷的廣告裡聽見的,希望知道的


這首歌是jay-z + alicia keys的《empire state of mind 》


new york,

i'm from where dreams are made of,theres nothing you can't do,now you're in new york,these streets will make you feel brand new,

the lights will inspire you,lets here it for new york, new york, new york



in the new york求採納


廣汽本田和廣汽豐田是合資的,核心技術是日本的,在我們國家生產 廣汽傳祺是我們國產的自主品牌。一 廣汽傳祺 廣汽傳祺 簡稱傳祺 是廣汽集團為提升核心競爭力,實現可持續發展而打造的國產品牌。2010年12月,首款車傳祺轎車成功推出市場,隨後,相繼推出了ga5和gs5兩款車型,並全新開發a級平臺推出ga3...


回答您好,我正在幫您梳理問題的答案,請稍等一會哦 你好,收音機的拆裝方法是,先把儀表臺的左邊飾板拆掉,然後把右邊的手套箱拆掉。然後再斷開空調面板的拉線內外迴圈的拉線,把空調面板的插頭全部拔掉,音響單元的插頭全部拔掉,然後的話音響單元就可以拿出來。安裝的話按相反的方向進行安裝即可。如果收音機損壞的話,...

廣汽本田VE 1是純電動車嗎?廣汽本田VE 1內飾亮點有哪些

是的,廣汽本田ve 1是廣汽本田推出的首款純電動suv,廣本的品質肯定是值得信賴的,在廣本強大技術 研發 服務等支援下,廣汽本田ve 1不論是外觀 內飾,還是配置 動力等各方面都有非常不錯的表現。廣本ve 1在內飾上是花bai了心du思的,隱藏了不少的驚喜zhi ve 1 升級的全新 dao儀表盤雖...