英語作文 我家鄉的變化(80詞左右) 30

2023-10-05 12:35:02 字數 1119 閱讀 1256



past,my hometown was just a **all all dirt,bumpy,remain in my mind's hometown,bungalow,everywhere can see only a few **all bungalow,and most are wawu,now,my hometown turns into a **all and prosperity,beautiful and upon a time low,shabby houses already be replaced by the high-rise buildings of novel and muddy road has highways crisscross, the flat,wide asphalt road,transports,sichuan and flow lined with trees on both sides,people are tiled,now turned into a luxury residence,look,see the cluster rows of new buildings springing up.

可以麼?中文翻譯是這樣的 昔日,我的家鄉只不過是乙個小村莊。道路全部是泥路,坑廳晌坑窪窪的,殘留在我腦海浬的家鄉,到處都是平房,所見的平房屈指可數,而且大多數都是瓦屋。



道路兩旁綠樹成蔭,人來人往。以前的瓦房現在變成了豪華的住滾則宅,放眼望去,看到的是一棟棟一排排拔地而起的嶄新的高樓大廈。,1,imy hometown is ganzhou .

five years ago it was just a **all village with no more than 50 villagers. they lived in **all cottages and planted only corns and potatoes for living. the ines were low, .0,


there are 61 students in our class.our head teacher is very young.english teacher is very humorous.the math teacher is very strict.chinese teachers ar...


過去發生的事情 抄通常襲用過去式表達,但bai是有些真理du性的東西可以用一般zhi 現在式。比如 daoi and my friend discussed about that the earth s shape is square or like a ball 六年級英語作文我的朋友既有過去式又...


我的家鄉是農村,近幾年發生了翻天覆地的變化。當你走在晚上的街道上,版街道乾淨極了,街權道兩旁的路燈像一個個珍珠閃閃發光,美麗極了。車輛來來往往,川流不息。商店裡熱鬧非凡,貨架上擺著各式各樣 琳琅滿目的小吃。我還聽老家的叔叔說 以前這裡人多地少,山上能開荒的都開來種花生 黃豆等旱地作物,如今大家響應黨...