初三英語問題 請說明理由

2023-02-20 08:35:24 字數 990 閱讀 3951


1. we were showed a picture of the feathered dinosaur by miss li.

李小姐給我們看**,改成被動即為我們被給了張**來看,we were showed,因為原句是過去時,所以用were,show的被動形式是showed.

2. the trees should be watered often after they are planted.


3. i'm reading a book which is about bill gates.

which代指the book,構成定語從句


1.miss li showed us a picture of the feathered dinosaur.(被動語態)

_we__ _were__ _showed__a picture of the feathered dinosaur by miss li.

2.after planting the trees you should water them often.(被動語態)

the trees__should____ _be____ _watered_____ often after they__were___ _planted____.

3.i'm reading a book. the book is about bill gates.(合併為一個含有定語從句的複合句)

i'm reading a book__that__ _is____ _about____ bill gates.


1.we've been shown-----我們被展示

2.should be watered are planted

3.which is about

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