How can I get to the school作文,6句以上

2022-10-21 02:04:46 字數 1855 閱讀 6084


usually i go to school in my father』s car, but sometimes i go on foot.

my school is not far away from my home. i go straight then turn right at the crossing. then i turn left at the bank.

then i go straight on zhongxin street.

turn right at the bank. then turn left at the crossing, then go straight. my school is on the right.





英語作文how can we get to school


how can we get to school?乘。。。用by加交通工具,當然有個例外,步行on foot。

你可以用不同的人名做主語,一人一種上學的方式。注意,如果主語是三單,動詞也要用三單,如 my friend lily goes to school by car.

how do you get to school 【作文】 50




--hello li ming, how do you get to school every day?

--hi, i often got to school by bike, it is not very far from where i live

--what about you lin hui?

--i usually take a bus to get to school. i live close to the bus station

--i see. do you know how i get to school every day?

--yes,tell us, please.

--i get to school on foot. it takes about 10 minutes.

六年級上冊英語第二單元《how do i get to school》作文 簡單一點30詞左右


hello! i'm a student .the students often go to school by bus and so on .

i like walking ,because i think walking is good for our health .so i often go to school on foot. i sometimes go to school by bus as well and i seldome go to school by bike ,because i can't do it very well .

can you tell me how you get to school?



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