請問 急求關於英語的問題啊謝謝

2022-10-05 17:32:57 字數 784 閱讀 4996


1.excuse me,can you tell me the way to the nearest


2.how long will it take if we walk there.

3.which bus should i take.

4.where should i get off the bus.


1 how to get to the nearest restaurant?

2 how long will it take?

3 which bus to take?

4 where to get off?


1.how can i get to the nearest restaraunt,please?

2.how long will it take?

3.which bus to take?

4.which stop to get off on?


1 excuse me ,can you tell me the way to the nearest restaurant ? 2 how long does it take me to walk? 3 which bus can i take ?

4 where can i get off ?

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