
2022-02-15 05:52:37 字數 602 閱讀 4219


it was fine last sunday ,linda went to the park by bike .there were many people in the park

.some were singing ,others were swimming in the lake. when she got to the park ,she

put her bike under the trees,then she went to see some people swiming in the lake .when

she went back to ride her bike .she found that her bike wasn't there.she looked for her bike here and there ,but she didn't find it .

a thief stole her bike and took her bike away,she didn't know what to do,she cried ,at last ,she called the police .

2019八年級下冊人教版英語 第3單元的section b

我們剛學,你要幹什麼?我現在就拿著書 我們第二單元是body language 八年級下冊英語最新人教版第一單元sectionb2d翻譯 他失去了手臂但還在爬山 阿倫 羅爾斯頓是一個對爬山感興趣的美國人。作為一名登山者,阿倫習慣於冒險。這是關於做危險運動的令人興奮的事情之一。有許多次,阿倫因為 意外...




守 抜 土影 敵 手 捕 專 外 事 気屬 始 機転 尾獣 修業 集中 始 一方 居場所 突 止 忍連合軍 先手 打 各部隊 召集 大勢 忍 一 場所 集結 率 暁 大量 白 用意 手 忍 穢土転生 蘇 戦 準備 進 準備 整 忍連合軍 暁 第四次忍界大戦 戦 火蓋 切 八年級下冊政治一二單元知識點...