
2022-01-03 16:03:26 字數 728 閱讀 3289


function maxnum(a, b, c, d, e) as long

dim arr(0 to 5)

dim i as long

arr(1) = a

arr(2) = b

arr(3) = c

arr(4) = d

arr(5) = e

for i = 1 to ubound(arr)if maxnum < arr(i) thenmaxnum = arr(i)

end if


end function

在陣列中用迴圈實現,很簡單的,如果maxnum比陣列中的數字小的話,將比他大的數字付給maxnum執行完後,maxnum就是陣列中的最大值、 用迴圈寫演算法比較易讀,精簡,邏輯清晰。如果可以吧五個數字也寫在一個陣列中。


function func(a, b, c, d, e)dim k as single

k = a

if k < b then k = b

if k < c then k = c

if k < d then k = d

if k < e then k = e

func = k '''*********************************加這句

end function


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dim a as integer,b as integer,t as integer,s as integer private sub command1 click if option1.value true then msgbox a b str a b else if option2.value...