
2021-09-30 17:07:32 字數 3474 閱讀 7056


private sub command1_click()


dim i as integer, j as integer, ka as integer, kc as integer

dim b as boolean

dim a() as integer, c() as integer

for i = 1 to 100

if i = 1 then b = false else b = true

for j = 1 to i

if i mod j = 0 and j <> i and i <> 1 then b = false


if b then

if i mod 2 = 0 then

ka = ka + 1

redim preserve a(1 to ka)

a(ka) = i


kc = kc + 1

redim preserve c(1 to kc)

c(kc) = i

end if

end if


print "1~100內的偶素數"

for i = 1 to ka

print a(ka)


print "1~100內的奇素數"

for i = 1 to kc

print c(kc)


end sub

private sub command2_click()


dim i as integer, j as integer, k as double

print "1~100內的勾股數"

for i = 1 to 100

for j = i + 1 to 100

k = sqr(i * i + j * j)

if k <= 100 and k - int(k) = 0 then print i & " " & j & " " & k



end sub

private sub command3_click()



dim sta as string, stb as string

dim i as long, j as long

sta = text1.text

j = len(sta)

stb = ""

for i = j to 1 step -1

stb = stb & mid(sta, i, 1)


text2.text = stb

end sub

private sub command4_click()



dim a as double, b as double, c as double, d as double, x1 as double, x2 as double

if not isnumeric(text3.text) then

msgbox "輸入的係數a不是有效數字", , "錯誤"

exit sub

end if

if not isnumeric(text4.text) then

msgbox "輸入的係數b不是有效數字", , "錯誤"

exit sub

end if

if not isnumeric(text5.text) then

msgbox "輸入的係數c不是有效數字", , "錯誤"

exit sub

end if

a = val(text3.text)

b = val(text4.text)

c = val(text5.text)

d = b * b - 4 * a * c

if d < 0 then

msgbox "無有理數解", , ""

exit sub

end if

x1 = (-b + d) / (2 * a)

x2 = (-b - d) / (2 * a)

print "x的第一個解"

print format(x1, "general number")

print "x的第二個解"

print format(x2, "general number")

end sub

private sub command5_click()


dim a(1 to 10, 1 to 10) as double, b as double

dim i as integer, j as integer, k as integer, t as integer

for i = 1 to 10

for j = 1 to 10

a(i, j) = val(inputbox("請輸入第" & i & "名選手的第" & j & "個得分", "輸入"))


b = a(i, 1)

k = 1

for j = 2 to 10

if b < a(i, j) then

b = a(i, j)

k = j

end if


b = a(i, 1)

t = 1

for j = 2 to 10

if b > a(i, j) then

b = a(i, j)

t = j

end if


if k = t then

a(i, 1) = 0

a(i, 2) = 0


a(i, k) = 0

a(i, t) = 0

end if

b = 0

for j = 1 to 10

b = b + a(i, j)


b = b / 8

msgbox "第" & i & "名選手的平均分是" & b, , "輸出"


end sub





回答者: murderor - 江湖少俠 七級 2009-6-17 10:21


private a 1 to 1000 as integer,b 1 to 1000 as integer,n as integer private sub mand1 click text1.text randomize for i 1 to 20 a i int rnd 101 100text1...


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