
2021-05-18 06:51:24 字數 381 閱讀 2612


i will stand there still watching where you are. even if you've left me, i, addicted to you like a fool, want you see me again.


love you still like a dumb-head


i will wait and see, where you are, even if you abandoned me, fool, infatuated with i, want again so that you can see


水彩顏料分固體和管狀 固體的話呢 有一些就會比較難沾取 像是便宜點的馬利 櫻花 雄獅 就極大容易出現這種情況 而出現這種情況 可以用小噴瓶給他們噴水 稍等片刻 然後又毛筆筆頭輕輕一沾 他們就會乖乖跟你走了 貴的不要用這種方法我都替你心疼 你多刷點水就好了 管狀呢 擠出來 如果一下就不用了 很浪費 所...


i love you,too.i also love you.you are still my love.多種說法,任君採擷。i fell in love with you too.i love you too i like you too i do love you do表強調,重視 i also...


我是中國人 i am a chinese 如果是跟老外說我是中國國籍人,i am a chinese person,沒有用i am chinese i am chinese 就可以了滿意的話 望採納 i am chinese.i am chinese.如果你覺得我的回答比較滿意,希望給個採納鼓勵我!...