
2021-05-04 02:18:01 字數 1161 閱讀 4561


a hello

b hello

a nice day isn't it? shall we go out?

b great!where to go?

a what about going shopping?

b good idea,where to go shopping?

a how about the walk street?

b yes,that's ok for me.

a deal!

b ok.

a see you later.

b see you.


a hello

b hello

a it's a sunny day today,let's go out?

b where?

a what about go shopping?

b that's a good idea,where do you want to go shopping?

a how about the vehicle-free street?

b yes,that's ok for me.

a deal!

b ok.

a see you later.

b later.


a: how do you do?

b : how do you do?

a : it is a fine day today, lets go out and play.

b:where shall we go?

a : how about some shopping?

b : sure, where shall we shop?

a : pedestrain walkwayb : ok

a : so that is confirmedb : sure

a : bye bye

b : bye bye




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