飛屋環遊記 主題曲,飛屋環遊記的主題曲是什麼?

2021-03-29 08:33:48 字數 3580 閱讀 7860


飛屋環遊記的主題曲是《meet kevin in the jungle》,劇中除了主題曲外還有25首原聲**,具體如下:

1、《up with titles》

2、《we're in the club now》

3、《married life》

4、《carl goes up michael》

5、《52 chachki pickup》

6、《paradise found》

7、《walkin' the house》

8、《three dog dash》

9、《kevin beak'n》

10、《canine conundrum》

11、《the nickel tour》

12、《the explorer motel》

13、《escape from muntz mountain》

14、《giving muntz the bird》

15、《stuff we did》

16、《memories can weigh you down》

17、《the **all mailman returns》

18、《he's got the bird》

19、《seizing the spirit of adventure》

20、《it's just a house》

21、《the ellie badge》

22、《up with end credits》

23、《the spirit of adventure》

24、《carl's maiden voyage (sound effects)》

25、《muntz's dark reverie (sound effects)》




01 - up with titles

02 - we're in the club now03 - married life

04 - carl goes up

05 - 52 chachki pickup06 - paradise found

07 - walkin' the house08 - three dog dash

09 - kevin beak'n

10 - canine conundrum11 - the nickel tour

12 - the explorer motel13 - escape from muntz mountain14 - giving muntz the bird15 - stuff we did

16 - memories can weigh you down17 - the **all mailman returns18 - he's got the bird19 - seizing the spirit of adventure

20 - it's just a house21 - the ellie badge

22 - up with end credits23 - the spirit of adventure24 - carl's maiden voyage25 - muntz's dark reverie26 - meet kevin in the jungle



主題曲為 《married life》。

《married life》

創作:michael giacchino

所屬**:《up (the original walt disney records soundtrack)》

唱片公司:walt disney records/pixar發行時間:2023年05月26日



nothing gonna change my love for you



《飛屋環遊記》主題曲為 《married life》

創作:michael giacchino

所屬**:《up (the original walt disney records soundtrack)》

唱片公司:walt disney records/pixar發行時間:2023年05月26日



married life



1. up with titles

2. we're in the club now3. married life michael4.

carl goes up michael5. 52 chachki pickup

6. paradise found

7. walkin' the house

8. three dog dash

9. kevin beak'n

10. canine conundrum

11. the nickel tour

12. the explorer motel13. escape from muntz mountain14.

giving muntz the bird15. stuff we did

16. memories can weigh you down17. the **all mailman returns18.

he's got the bird19. seizing the spirit of adventure

20. it's just a house21. the ellie badge

22. up with end credits23. the spirit of adventure24.

carl's maiden voyage25. muntz's dark reverie26. meet kevin in the jungle



**名稱:《飛屋環遊記》(up) **封面



不是!是玫瑰人生la vie en rose,你可以搜來聽聽。卡門是張惠妹唱的,「是男人我都拋棄,不管窮富和高低」,印象中beyond樂隊在演唱會時也曾演奏過。

電影 《飛屋環遊記》的片尾曲是什麼?


the spirit of adventure 和up with end credits 這兩首,謝謝我吧

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