
2021-03-28 18:45:14 字數 5695 閱讀 7304


《auld lang syne》《友誼地久

天長》should auld acquaintance be f***ot,怎能忘記舊日朋友

and never brought to mind?心中能不懷想

should auld acquaintance be f***ot舊日朋友豈能相忘

and days of auld lang syne?友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 朋友

for auld lang syne,友誼萬歲

we』ll take a cup o』 kindness yet舉杯痛飲

should auld acquaintance be f***ot,同聲歌頌友誼地久天長

we twa hae run aboot the braes我們曾經終日遊蕩

and pou』d the gowans fine在故鄉的青山上

we』ve wander』d mony a weary foot我們也曾歷盡苦辛

sin』 auld lang syne.到處奔波流浪

for auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 朋友

for auld lang syne,友誼萬歲

we』ll take a cup o』 kindness yet舉杯痛飲

should auld acquaintance be f***ot,同聲歌頌友誼地久天長

we two hae paidled i』 the burn,我們也曾終日逍遙

frae mornin』 sun till dine;蕩槳在微波上

but seas between us braid hae roar』d但如今已經勞燕分飛

sin'auld lang syne. 遠隔大海重洋

for auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 萬歲朋友

for auld lang syne,友誼萬歲

we』ll take a cup o』 kindness yet舉杯痛飲

should auld acquaintance be f***ot,同聲歌頌友誼地久天長

and here』s a hand, my trusty friend,我們往日情意相投

andgie』s a hand o』 thine;讓我們緊握手

we』ll take a cup o』 kindness yet讓我們來舉杯暢飲

should auld acquaintance be f***ot,友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 萬歲朋友

for auld lang syne,友誼萬歲

we』ll take a cup o』 kindness yet舉杯痛飲 同聲歌頌

for auld lang syne.友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 萬歲朋友

for auld lang syne,友誼萬歲

we』ll take a cup o』 kindness yet舉杯痛飲 同聲歌頌

should auld acquaintance be f***ot,友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne, my dear,友誼萬歲 萬歲朋友

for auld lang syne,友誼萬歲

we』ll take a cup o』 kindness yet舉杯痛飲 同聲歌頌

should auld acquaintance be f***ot,友誼地久天長







auld lang syne 《友誼地久天長》英文歌詞

should auld acquaintance be f***ot,

and never brought to mind?

should auld acquaintance be f***ot,

for the sake of auld lang syne.

if you ever change your mind,

but i living, living me behind,

oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving,

bring it home to me.

bring it home to me.yeah~ yeah~

darling you know i laughed when you left,

but now i know that i only hurt myself.

please bring it to me,bring your sweet sweet love,

bring it home to me, bring it home to me.

for auld lang syne my dear,

for auld lang syne,

we'll take a cup of kindness yet

for the sake of auld lang syne


auld lang syne(友誼

地久天長) - leo sayer


should auld acquaintance be f***ot,

and never brought to mind?

should auld acquaintance be f***ot,

for the sake of auld lang syne.

if you ever change your mind,

but i living, living me behind,

oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving,

bring it home to me.

i'll give you jewelry and money too.

that' s all all i'll do for you.

oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving,

bring it home to me.yeah~ yeah~


should auld acquaintance be f***ot,


and never brought to mind?


should auld acquaintance be f***ot怎能忘記舊日朋友

and days of auld lang syne?


for auld lang syne, my dear,親愛的朋友,我們的友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne,


we'll take a cup of kindness yet讓我們舉杯痛飲

for days of auld lang syne.


and here's a hand, my trusty friend,


so put your hand in mine讓我們緊握手

we'll take a cup of kindness yet讓我們舉杯痛飲

for auld lang syne.


for auld lang syne, my dear,親愛的朋友,我們的友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne,


we'll take a cup of kindness yet讓我們舉杯痛飲

for days of auld lang syne.


should auld acquaintance be f***ot,


and never brought to mind?


should auld acquaintance be f***ot怎能忘記舊日朋友

and days of auld lang syne?


for auld lang syne, my dear,親愛的朋友,我們的友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne,


we'll take a cup of kindness yet讓我們舉杯痛飲

for days of auld lang syne.


for auld lang syne, my dear,親愛的朋友,我們的友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne,


we'll take a cup of kindness yet讓我們舉杯痛飲

for days of auld lang syne.


for auld lang syne, my dear,親愛的朋友,我們的友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne,


we'll take a cup of kindness yet讓我們舉杯痛飲

for days of auld lang syne.


for auld lang syne, my dear,親愛的朋友,我們的友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne,


we'll take a cup of kindness yet讓我們舉杯痛飲

for days of auld lang syne.


for auld lang syne, my dear,親愛的朋友,我們的友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne,


we'll take a cup of kindness yet讓我們舉杯痛飲

for days of auld lang syne友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne, my dear,親愛的朋友,我們的友誼地久天長

for auld lang syne,


we'll take a cup of kindness yet讓我們舉杯痛飲

for days of auld lang syne.



電影 bai 魂斷藍橋 主題曲du 友誼地久zhi天長 是一首非常出名的 dao詩歌,原文用專蘇格蘭語寫屬作,意思是逝去已久的日子。友誼地久天長 是18世紀蘇格蘭傑出農民詩人羅伯特 彭斯據當地父老口傳錄下的。這首詩後來被譜了樂曲,除了原蘇格蘭文外,這首歌亦被多國譜上當地語言,在中國各地普遍稱為友誼天...


孫楠 天長地久 music 歲月凝聚眼眸 時間在不經意溜走 經過的路牽過的手 曾經付出不需要理由 快樂停停走走 往事在漂泊中回首 愛過的 過的淚 釀成了深埋心底的烈酒 我聽別人唱著天長地久 他們說相愛的人可以用沉默交流 只要用真情執著守候 愛就會一生為你停留 我聽別人唱著天長地久 紅塵的故事總是牽動...


地久天長 時間長,日子久。日久天長 時間長,日子久。天長地久 跟天和地存在的時間那樣長。形容時間悠久。也形容永遠不變 多指愛情 天長地老 猶天長地久。如飢似渴 狼吞虎嚥 東張西望 海枯石爛 旭日東昇 殘陽如血 如銀似水 月色朦朧 福星高照 星羅密佈 天空灰暗 明淨如洗 風和日麗 風平浪靜 春風送暖 ...