
2021-03-10 08:17:26 字數 717 閱讀 5206


「你在忙嗎?」來 are you busy?

「你在忙什麼?」源 what are you busy doing?


bai錢?」 how much is xx?


du西最值錢?」 what is the most expensive?


怎zhi麼去dao?」 how can i get to xx?

「我在xx地方!你來嗎?」i'm at xx. will you ***e here?


are you busy?

what are you doing now?

how much does it?

which is the most expensive one?

how can i go to ...

i'm in ..., do you ***e here?


are you busy?

what are you busy for?

how much about xx?

what is the most expensive?

how can i get there?

i am in xx, will you ***e?

這些用英語怎麼說 謝謝,這些用英語怎麼說

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1 the tv broadcast。電視播發的2french fried chips法國的油炸薯條5 ice 冰 citrus 柑橘 o o 因為我安裝了一個英語軟體,所以他翻譯出來了看看 還行麼?sent by tv,french,fried,chips,ice,orange,下面的翻譯基本上可...